Beware the Audit Hammer

Posted May 20th, 2010 by

Sometimes it feels like auditing and oversight isn’t really the solution.  In fact, sometimes it feels like it’s part of the problem.  But when you’re sitting on Capitol Hill and your only tools are legislation, oversight, and auditing, you start to think that every problem can be solved with them. </soapbox>

i haz an audit hammr

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Posted in IKANHAZFIZMA, Public Policy, Rants, What Doesn't Work | 1 Comment »

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  1.  Tweets that mention Beware the Audit Hammer | The Guerilla CISO -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rybolov, grecs and novainfosec, Mark Bristow. Mark Bristow said: RT @grecs: #NOVABLOGGER: Beware the Audit Hammer (via @rybolov) […]

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