A New Take on Continuous Controls Monitoring

Posted June 10th, 2010 by

Some days I feel like all this “continuous monitoring” talk around the beltway is just really a codeword for “buy our junk”, much like the old standby “defense in depth”, only instead of firewalls and IDS, it’s desktop and server configuration management.  Even better that it works for both products and services.  The BSOFH in me likes having a phrase like “Near Real-Time Continuous Compliance Monitoring” which can mean anything from “tying thermite grenades to the racks in case of being captured” to “I think I’ll make a ham sandwich for lunch and charge you for the privilege”.

Anyway, our IKANHAZFIZMA lolcats have finally found a control worth monitoring:  the world’s supply of overstuffed cheeseburgers.  This continuous monitoring thing is serious business, just like the Internets.

kontinuus monitoring i kan get behind!

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    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by rybolov, alex knorr. alex knorr said: A New Take on Continuous Controls Monitoring: Some days I feel like all this “continuous monitoring” talk around t… http://bit.ly/cMYAuH […]

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