Looking for a Few Good Instructors

Posted October 8th, 2007 by

Oh great Interwebblagosphere and the readers thereof, I am looking for Information Assurance Instructors. I’m down a couple due to work/life/moved away conflicts.

Some of the details:

  • You need to live in DC or be willing to make yourself be here a couple days out of each quarter.
  • You need to be a “whiz-kid” at the entire NIST IA Framework (not just SSPs, but also ST&E, POA&Ms, etc)
  • You have to be able to speak. We’re not talking professional speaker (ala motivational speakers “living in a van down by the river”), but somebody with presence above the normal closeted geek.
  • You have to be able to get along with me. Not as hard as it might seem.
  • We do have a screening process before you are a full-fledged instructor. Not all have met the standard.


  • The pay is absolutely $0 but we make up for it in food, alcohol, and charming conversation.  Occasionally we’ll give you a 20% raise. =)
  • You get hella lotta CPEs for CISSP, CAP, CISM, etc.
  • It’s a great resume builder.
  • You learn the inside secrets on how IA really works.
  • You get contacts–Agency CISOs, NIST dignitaries, and practitioners from every agency.

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