Friday Subversive Music–Nina Hagen

Posted March 21st, 2008 by

Ah, the infamous Nina Hagen, singing about God, aliens, sex, Germany, vivisection, and numbers.  She’s half opera diva, half devil, and all things in-between. =)

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Posted in Odds-n-Sods | 3 Comments »

3 Responses

  1.  shrdlu Says:

    Are you SURE we weren’t separated at birth?? I was listening to my old Nina Hagen just the other day. Wow.

    “Ich jage dich, und du entkommst mir nicht …”

  2.  rybolov Says:

    Well, nobody’s seen us together in the same place, right?

    So it could be possible that we ARE THE SAME PERSON!

  3.  bambijihad Says:

    “So, Nina, what do you say to yourself in the morning when you see me in the mirror?”

    “Nothing, I just brush my teeth.”

    My how I miss Nina. I forgot just how weirdly entertaining she was.

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