Falling Springs Branch

Posted February 24th, 2007 by

Back in 1998, I took a trip to Chambersburg, PA to fish the Falling Springs Branch.

It’s a small stream, what we would call a creek back home.  It is, however, a limestone creek, so it has a very healthy population of scuds, sowbugs, insects, and trout.

I was fishing western-style with a 9-foot 4-weight, and I was massively overpowered for the delicate presentations and tight areas on the Falling Spring.  Now I have 7.5-foot 1-weight, so I’m looking to going back this spring and summer.

Falling Springs Branch Article at Flyfisherman Magazine.

The weirdest thing about fishing the Falling Spring is fishing in somebody’s back yard.  I never got used to it.  Here I was out in a 1-acre horse pasture complete with white rail fences, and I’m casting for trout.

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