Bringing You Only the Best in Security Network Diagrams

Posted March 24th, 2009 by

“Drawn” by an infosec engineer known simply as “TomBot” and passed down in email for years.  Click the diagram to get a bigger version.

Network Diagram by TomBot.

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Posted in BSOFH, Technical, The Guerilla CISO, What Doesn't Work | 5 Comments »

5 Responses

  1.  Interesting Information Security Bits for 03/25/2009 | Infosec Ramblings Says:

    […] must look at this. Absolutely hilarious. Bringing You Only the Best in Security Network Diagrams | The Guerilla CISO Tags: ( humor general […]

  2.  LonerVamp Says:

    That is awesome! I really want a printer of evil…

  3.  Mr Chatham Esq. Says:

    Dear sir,

    My client has reason to believe that you have infringed their inalienable rights, under law, truth, justice and the American way. My client (who shall remain nameless), demands you cease and desist publishing his internal network diagram. No doubt next you’ll be publishing his last audit report (written in highly expensive crayons) but I am instructing you not to publish such a thing, for we will sue your pants off, and if successful, your shirt.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mr Chatham Esq.
    Chatham, Cheetham, Runn Lawyers and Auditors LLC.

  4.  Top 3 NoVA Infosec Blog Posts of the Week | Says:

    […] Bonus: While it might not qualify as a top “post” per say, the classic “TomBot” diagram posted by rybolov last week is something that will start your day off on a good note. You can check out the diagram here. […]

  5.  vendita make up Says:

    Ok it is hilarious, but uma?!?

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