Posted October 16th, 2009 by
My presentation slides from Sector 2009. This was a really fun conference, the Ontario people are really, really nice.
Presentation Abstract:
The US Federal Government is the world’s largest consumer of IT products and, by extension, one of the largest consumers of IT security products and services. This talk covers some of the problems with security on such a massive scale; how and why some technical, operational, and managerial solutions are working or not working; and how these lessons can be applied to smaller-scale security environments.
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Posted August 28th, 2009 by
The big news in OMB’s M-09-29 FY 2009 Reporting Instructions for the Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Management is that instead of fiddling with document files reporting will now be done directly through an online tool. This has been covered elsewhere and it is the one big change since last year. However having less paper in the paperwork is not the only change.

Piles of Paper photo by °Florian.
So what will this tool be like? It is hard to tell at this point. Some information will be entered directly but the system appears designed to accept uploads of some documents, such as those supporting M-07-16. Similar to the spreadsheets used for FY 2008 there will be separate questions for the Chief Information Officer, Inspector General and Senior Agency Official for Privacy. Microagencies will still have abbreviated questions to fill out. Additional information on the automated tool, including full instructions and a beta version will be available in August, 2009.

Given the required information has changed very little the automated system is unlikely to significantly ease the reporting burden. This system appears primarily designed to ease the data processing requirements for OMB. With Excel spreadsheets no longer holding data many concerns relating to file versions, data aggregation and analysis are greatly eased.
It is worth noting that a common outcome of systems re-engineered to become more efficient is that managers look to find ways to utilize the new efficiency. What does this mean? Now that OMB has the ability to easily analyze data which took a great amount of effort to process before they may want to improve what is reported. A great deal has been said over the years about the inefficiencies in the current reporting regime. This may be OMB’s opportunity to start collecting an increased amount of information that may better reflect agencies actual security posture. This is pure speculation and other factors may moderate OMB’s next steps, such as the reporting burden on agencies, but it is worth consideration.
One pleasant outcome to the implementation of this new automated tool is the reporting deadline has been pushed back to November 18, 2009.
Agencies are still responsible for submitting document files to satisfy M-07-16. The automated tool does not appear to allow direct input of this information. However the document requirements are slightly different. Breach notification policy document need only be submitted if it has changed. It is no longer sufficient to simply report progress on eliminating SSNs and reducing PII, an implementation plan and a progress update must be submitted. The requirement for a policy document covering rules of behavior and consequences has been removed.
In addition to the automated tool there are other, more subtle changes to OMB’s FY 2009 reporting. Let’s step through them, point by point:
10. It is reiterated that NIST guidance is required. This point has been expanded to state that legacy systems, agencies have one year to come into compliance with NIST documents new material. For new systems agencies are expected to be in compliance upon system deployment.
13 & 15. Wording indicating that disagreements on reports should be resolved prior to submission and that the agency head’s view will be authoritative have been removed. This may have been done to reduce redundancy as M-09-29’s preface indicates agency reports must reflect the agency head’s view.
52. The requirement for an central web page with working links to agency PIAs and Federal Register published SORNs has been removed.
A complete side-by-side comparison of changes between the two documents is available at
All in all the changes to OMB’s guidance this year will not change agencies reporting burden significantly. And that may not be a bad thing.
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Posted August 24th, 2009 by
We have all these data wonks running around now in the information security field thanks to a couple of people (Jaquith, Shostack, Stewart, and our friends at Verizon Business) who brought us some books and some data.
Well, earlier this year, the Government started a website called This is much awesomeness, Viva Las Transpareny! However, it’s missing something very relevant to my interests: information security management data.
So, I want people to go to’s “request a dataset” page and request the following:
Complete responses from the Departments and Agencies to the FISMA reporting requirements for FY2004-2009 based on OMB Memoranda 04-25, 05-15, 06-20, 07-19, 08-21, and 09-29.
Raw incident data for years 2005-2007 as reported to OMB and summarized in their report to Congress on FY2007 FISMA performance and published at
Raw incident data for years 2007 and later in any type and format similar to the Verizon Data Breach Incident Report available at
This information is necessary for researchers to study the effectiveness of information security management techniques and regulatory schemes and for industry to propose changes to national-level information security management frameworks and legislation such as FISMA. This information for the most part has been released in a summary format to Congress and the release of the complete dataset on would greatly aid the information security community.
It might be a fool’s errand at this point, but it doesn’t hurt to ask, and it only takes a couple of minutes to do. =)
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Posted August 24th, 2009 by
So we all know the OSI model by heart, right? Well, I’m offering up my model of technology management. Really at this stage I’m looking for feedback
- Layer 7: Global Layer. This layer is regulated by treaties with other nation-states or international standards. I fit cybercrime treaties in here along with the RFCs that make the Internet work. Problem is that security hasn’t really reached much to this level unless you want to consider multinational vendors and top-level cert coordination centers like CERT-CC.
- Layer 6: National-Level Layer. This layer is an aggregation of Federations and industries and primarily consists of Federal law and everything lumped into a “critical infrastructure” bucket. Most US Federal laws fit into this layer.
- Layer 5: Federation/Community Layer. What I’m talking here with this layer is an industry federated or formed in some sort of community. Think major verticals such as energy supply. It’s not a coincidence that this layer lines up with DHS’s critical infrastructure and key resources breakdown but it can also refer to self-regulated industries such as the function of PCI-DSS or NERC.
- Layer 4: Enterprise Layer. Most security thought, products, and tools are focused on this layer and the layers below. This is the realm of the CSO and CISO and roughly equates to a large corporation.
- Layer 3: Project Layer. Collecting disparate technologies and data into a similar piece such as the LAN/WAN, a web application project, etc. In the Government world, this is the location for the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) or the System Security Engineer (SSE).
- Layer 2: Integration Layer. Hardware, software, and firmware combine to become products and solutions and is focused primarily on engineering.
- Layer 1: Code Layer. Down into the code that makes everything work. This is where the application security people live.
There are tons of way to use the model.I’m thinking each layer has a set of characteristics like the following:
- Scope
- Level of centralization
- Responsiveness
- Domain expertise
- Authority
- Timeliness
- Stakeholders
- Regulatory bodies
- Many more that I haven’t thought about yet

Chocolate Layer Cake photo by foooooey.
My whole point for this model is that I’m going to try to use it to describe the levels at which a particular problem resides at and to stimulate discussion on what is the appropriate level at which to solve it. For instance, take a technology and you can trace it up and down the stack. Say Security Event and Incident Monitoring:
- Layer 7: Global Layer. Coordination between national-level CERTs in stopping malware and hacking attacks.
- Layer 6: National-Level Layer. Attack data from Layer 5 is aggregated and correlated to respond to large incidents on the scale of Cyberwar.
- Layer 5: Federation/Community Layer. Events are filtered from Layer 4 and only the confirmed events or interest are correlated to determine trends.
- Layer 4: Enterprise Layer. Events are aggregated by a SIEM with events of interest flagged for response.
- Layer 3: Project Layer. Logs are analyzed in some manner. This is most likely the highest in the model that we
- Layer 2: Integration Layer. Event logs have to be written to disk and stored for a period of time.
- Layer 1: Code Layer. Code has to be programmed to create event logs.
I do have an ulterior motive. I created this model because most of our security thought, doctrine, tools, products, and solutions work at Layer 4 and below. What we need is discussion on Layers 5 and above because when we try to create massively-scaled security solutions, we start to run into a drought of information at what to do above the Enterprise. There are other bits of doctrine that I want to bring up, like trying to solve any problem at the lowest level for which it makes sense. So in other words, we can use the model to propose changes to the way we manage security… say we have a problem like the lack of data on data breaches. What we’re saying when we say that we need a Federal data breach law is that because of the scope and the amount of responsibility and competing interests at Layer 5, that we need a solution at Layer 6, but in any case we should start at the bottom and work our way up the model until we find an adequate scope and scale.
So, this is my question to you, Internet: have I just reinvented enterprise public policy, IT architecture (Federal Enterprise Architecture) and business blueprinting, or did I create some kind of derivative view of technology, security, and public policy that I can now use?
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Posted August 4th, 2009 by
So let me give you a hypothetical job:
- You have to give up your high-paying private-sector job to be a Government employee
- You have tons of responsibility
- You have no real authority
- You have no dedicated budget
- You have no staffers
- The job has had half a dozen people filling it in the last 7 years
- The job has been open longer than it’s been staffed over the past 7 years
And yet this is what we’re asking candidates to do in order to even be a candidate for the Cybersecurity Coordinator. Yes, this is the exact same problem that all CISOs have with having a huge helping of responsibility and none of the authority to get things done, only we scaled it up and out to a national-level CISO position.
Somebody’s even gone as far to say that the lack of candidates for the job is the security field’s way of sending the message that you didn’t scope the job right. I think this opinion has much merit. CISOs being what they are, they’re usually pretty astute at walking into an ambush, and this job has all the makings of a good one.
I’ll even turn it around the other way and say that the security industry has yet to produce a CISO’s CISO–somebody who can do politics, budget, security, IT, and consensus-building all in one person. We have lots of people who can manage the enterprise and below, but it’s that additional little bit of political intrigue that is what we’re missing. Security people usually avoid politics like the bubonic plague because we’re an industry full of people who say it like it really is. This is a detriment in sales and politics.
So in true Guerilla-CISO fashion of not pointing out problems without offering something as a fix (no matter how much of a strawman arguement it really is), this is what we need to do to get people interested in being the Cybersecurity Czar^wCoordinator:
- A really well-defined scope. One person cannot do everything that we are asking for at this price (or any price for that matter).
- A budget for an operating staff where the number is more than than 8 digits.
- Statutory authority over the various departments and agencies responsible for cybersecurity: NCSD, S&T, DoJ, FBI, Commerce. Indirect influence doesn’t work here, never has.
- The direct ear of the President. Councils are OK, but puhlease, you want to get the job done, this is what it will take.
Then I read back through my list and realized that we really do need a law to create the Cybersecurity Czar position with everything that I just mentioned. But here’s the rub: legislation is slow, the bills to make the Cybersecurity Czar aren’t even going to be looked at until the next congressional session because we’re still trying to figure out the budget for last year.
I also think that what we’re calling the Cybersecurity Czar is really 2 jobs. You need somebody working for the Government CIO Vivek Kundra as the executive-branch CISO and you need a more senior person who worries about the military-industrial base, the critical infrastructure, the support to American commerce, and the protection of little old grandmas who represent the end-users.

Tsar’s Cannon photo by Siyad Ma. Now that’s some teeth for the position.
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