Wednesday Zombie Post–The Zombies

Posted March 19th, 2008 by

Fan page for the band The Zombies.  It’s a different kind of zombie, so read on:

“The Zombies were a British pop group of the 1960s. Following The Beatles in 1964 as part of ‘The British Invasion’ of the USA, they were the second UK group to score an American #1 hit.”

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Wednesday Zombie Post-How Zombies Work

Posted March 12th, 2008 by

How Zombies Work at “How Stuff Works”.  Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t post this before.

 Don’t be in ignorance of the law, know the facts on your legal rights when it comes to making your very own undead minions:

Zombies and Haitian Law

A law that seems to condemn zombie creation went into effect in Haiti in 1835. Article 246 of the Haitian Penal Code classifies the administration of a substance that creates a prolonged period of lethargy without causing death as attempted murder. If the substance causes the appearance of death and results in the burial of the victim, the act is classified as murder.

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Wednesday Zombie Post–The Zen of Zombie

Posted March 5th, 2008 by

Wow, a book on embracing the joy of zombiness…. The Zen of Zombie.

‘But what can I learn from zombies?’ you are asking yourself. The answer: plenty. In The Zen of Zombie you’ll learn some interesting skills, such as:

  • How to adapt to anything life (or the living) throws at you
  • How to slow down
  • How to remove prejudice from your life (a brain is a brain is a brain)
  • How to find strength in numbers (zombie Horde, anyone?)
  • How to stop negotiating and start demanding what you want (zombies don’t settle for a nose – they want the brain)
  • How to make each word count (zombies want brains, zombies say “brains”)
  • and much, much more!

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Wednesday Zombie Post–Zombie Squad

Posted February 27th, 2008 by

Wow, a zombie crew who actually do good things by raising money for charity and raising awareness of disaster preparation?  Sounds like a happy thing to me.

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Wednesday Zombie Post–Zombie Name Generator

Posted January 23rd, 2008 by

In case you want to know what name you would have if you zombified today, a cute little Zombie Name Generator, courtesy of Ed Totten III.

Also check out the Non-Sequitor Generator.

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Wednesday Zombie Post–Ethical Zombies

Posted January 16th, 2008 by

Taking a sharp deviation on the usual zombie theme, we here at the Guerilla CISO are taking a look at something I’ve been avoiding for the duration of my blog:  The Ethical Zombie.

A brief excerpt:

“The simplest version of the conceivability argument goes as follows:

  1. Zombies are conceivable.
  2. Whatever is conceivable is possible.
  3. Therefore zombies are possible.”

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