Hack Disaster Relief

Posted January 25th, 2010 by

I’m curtailing my blog for a couple of weeks.  I’m busy helping out with Haiti.

I spent last Saturday at CrisisCamp DC.  It’s a barcamp-style hackathon to build applications to help relief workers in Haiti.  Think long-range wifi routers to network the country where the infrastructure is destroyed.  Think a website for quake survivors to tell their story.  Think a Craiglist for relief workers where somebody with an oxygen generator and  somebody with a power supply can get together and make something that helps both of them.  Think all of these created in an 8-hour development stint.

Yes, security folks, you can help.  Not only that, but you have the technical skills to get web apps stuff done and the project management experience to lay out what it is that needs to be done.

We’re holding another CrisisCamp in DC this Saturday the 30th.

Go to crisiscommons.org and look for a project that interests you or a local camp.

Here, let Andy Carvin break it all down “Big Bird Style”:

Movie by @Digiphile, Alex Howard from SearchCompliance.com.  Hopefully I didn’t just “out” him.  =)

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Posted in Hack the Planet, Odds-n-Sods, Technical, What Works | 1 Comment »

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