Everything I know about security, I learned from Ghostbusters…

Posted February 17th, 2009 by

(Well maybe not everything…)
I’ve been the defacto security officer at a government agency going on two years now; it’s been quite a challenge. Without getting too deeply into how this happened (since I’m a contractor), I’d like to share some of the insights, horror stories, tips, and interesting anecdotes I’ve gathered over the past 22+ months.

If nothing else, many of my “preconceived notions” about managing an effective security program at a federal agency have been confirmed. Many others have been changed in ways I would never have suspected. I’m going to attempt to explain these in what I hope is an insightful, if not humorous way.

Ghostbusters works for me… At the time (1984), it was, hands-down, the funniest movie I had ever seen–it left its mark. It sure beats “Dude Where’s My Car?” for quotes that can be applied to security. But then some may say I’ve either set the bar a bit low, or I need to expand my movie viewing habits. Hey, work with me on this one people!!!

So, here are several quotes from the movie and their application to my philosophy on information security. I hope you enjoy it!

Ecto-1 photo by chad davis.

I’m from security, and I’m ready to believe you.
Listen. Foster discussion. Then, draw upon your experience and make your decision. Do not enter into a discussion with a mandate (unless from above). Mandates do not foster discussions, especially in areas where policy is absent or maybe not-so-explicit. Most importantly, this is an invitation for the person you’re talking to begin their side of their story.
Important Safety Tip: As the security professional, remember – this is the time for you to begin listening!

“Next time, if <someone> asks whether you’re a GOD, you say YES!”
Face it. Many of us security folks are humble. We all may even know what it is we don’t know. We might be a little gun-shy in our first few weeks on the job. However, don’t let your humility or shyness overcome you…

Like it or not, you are your organization’s security expert. “The Shell Answer Man,” the “Pro from Dover,” the “Go-to Guy/Gal.” While you may not have committed the processes contained within the IKE negotiation phases to memory, and may not be able to quote RFC 3514 off the top of your head, you probably DO know where to find the information… “I don’t know,” should never roll off your lips.

When you’re hired as the subject matter expert on security, you need to be confident–whether you’re knocking a soft-toss out of the park, but especially when you tell folks that you’ll research the topic and get back to them. Come back with the facts, and your credibility will be strengthened.

Likewise, when you have reservations about a particular situation, let folks know why you’re not jumping on board their crazy train. Invite discussion. State your case plainly and propose solutions, or if you can’t suggest an alternative, discuss it offline in another meeting focused on solutions. While your mission is to guard the organization’s interests, you can’t do so at the expense of the organization’s mission. Working closely with client service or engineering teams shows that security can be an integral part of solution development, and not an impediment. Think of this as guiding others to the solution – without telling them the “right” answer. This allows others to “own” the solution – their help may be valuable, if not necessary to help you socialize a potentially contentious (or expensive) solution.

“Don’t cross the streams…”
I love this one. I get to use this at least twice a day while speaking to engineering, operations, management or other folks at my agency. It’s gotten so that people have heard it so many times, they’re using it. Best part is, they are using the phrase correctly!

So what does this mean exactly? Generally/normally, the following things should never be directly connected to one another:

  • Classified and Unclassified Networks
  • The Internet and a Classified Network
  • Networks classified at different levels
  • Development, Test, and Production Networks/Environments
  • Accredited/trusted networks / less trusted
  • Management and Production Networks

“Wait! I thought you said crossing the streams was BAD?!”
So, what does this Ghostbusters quote mean to we security folk?
Every policy, however rigidly enforced, needs a waiver process.

So what do I really mean? When you understand and can quantify the risk of a particular practice or a particular action, you can develop compensating controls to make otherwise unthinkable practices (e.g., connecting unclassified networks to classified networks) less risky. In this example, it can be done using one-way guard technology, or some other similar trusted, manual process.

Face it, jumping off a bridge can be dangerous, if not suicidal. However, when the jumper attaches themselves to a bungee cord or uses a parasail, the act of jumping off a bridge can be reduced from a Darwin-qualifying stunt to thrilling fun or awesome opening movie scene (like the opening of the first XXX movie starring Vin Diesel as Xander Cage). It may not be for everyone – but, given the right safety equipment, some of us might even consider taking the leap.

There’s an even better example. Let’s say your network security policy forbids use of USB memory devices. Anyone seen with one is given a stern talking-to, if not killed outright. Well, maybe not killed… the first time. Let’s say a virus or worm gets into your network. Hey – it happens. As a precautionary measure, your response to this type of incident requires you to sever your network connections to your business partners as well as the Internet. So… How do you get the new virus definition file and virus engine from your Platinum Support Provider and install it on your server? It just so happens that in this case, you downloaded a copy using your uninfected laptop via your home internet connection… onto a USB memory stick. So, how do you reconcile what needs to be done against your policy? Obviously, an exception to the policy needs to be made.

As a matter of fact, every organization needs a policy that allows exceptions to be made to existing policy. This may sound like doublespeak, and the above may not be the best example, but it certainly does illustrate the point.

“What about the Twinkie?  Tell him about the Twinkie?!”
Never hide stuff from superiors. They don’t like surprises.
Never hide stuff from auditors. They have less of a sense of humor than your superiors.

“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… MASS HYSTERIA.”
FUD doesn’t work. Don’t try it!

I hope these good-natured examples have gotten you to laugh (minimally), or possibly gotten the aspiring CISOs among you to think about how you might use humor in your day-to-day existence. I’d like to leave you with one more thought:
If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong!


FUD Fighter photo by cote.

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The Authorizing Official and the Lolcat

Posted February 12th, 2009 by

Hot on the heels of our DAA presentation, the Guerilla CISO is proud to present our lolcat Authorizing Official.

Yes, it’s all about the budget. If you do not have a budget, you do not have the ability to change things. We have a word for people who have all the authority of an Authorizing Official but none of the budget: scapegoat.

funny pictures

And since I’m in Toronto for an extended stay thanks to the weather, today is a 2-fer:
funny pictures

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The Accreditation Decision and the Authorizing Official

Posted February 10th, 2009 by

The accreditation decision is one of the most key activities in how the US Government secures its systems. It’s also one of the most misunderstood activities. This slideshow aims to explain the role of the Authorizing Official and to give you some understanding into why and how accreditation decisions are made.

I would like to give a big thanks to Joe Faraone and Graydon McKee who helped out.

The presentation is licensed under Creative Commons, so feel free to download it, email it, and use it in your own training.

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Inside the Obama Administration’s Cyber Security Agenda

Posted January 28th, 2009 by

Interesting article in Security Focus on President Obama and cybersecurity.  Yes, I complained on twitter because the “document on homeland security” is not really any kind of a solution, more like a bullet list of goals that sound suspiciously like a warmed-over campaign platform.

Guess what?  Every President does this, they put out their agenda for everyone to see.  With the last administration, it was the 5-point President’s Management Agenda.

Let’s be honest here, as Bubba the Infantryman would say, “There are only a couple of ways to suck an egg, and this egg has been around for a long time.”  Any cybersecurity strategy will harken back to the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace because the problems are the same.  If you remember back to when the NStSC was first released, a horde of critics appeared out of the woodwork to say that there wasn’t enough implementation details and that the strategy wouldn’t be implemented because of that.  Well, they were partly right.

And now there’s the President stating his agenda with the same ideas that people have been saying for 6 years in more detail than what and suddenly it’s new and innovative.  That’s politics for you, folks.  =)  Bubba, in a rare fit of wisdom would say “The way you can tell the true pioneers is that they have arrows sticking out of their backs” and it might seem apropos here, if maybe a little bit cynical.

Hidden Agenda Eats Agenda photo by emme-dk.

Let’s go through each of the points with a little bit of analysis from myself:

  • Strengthen Federal Leadership on Cyber Security:Declare the cyber infrastructure a strategic asset and establish the position of national cyber advisor who will report directly to the president and will be responsible for coordinating federal agency efforts and development of national cyber policy.

  • Great idea.   Between OMB, NIST, DHS, DoD, DOJ, and a cast of thousands, there is a huge turf war over who really owns security.  Each of these groups do a phenomenal job doing what it is they do, but coordination between them is sometimes more like a semi-anarchist commune than a grand unified effort.  I seem to remember saying at one point that this was needed.  Granted, I was specifically talking about the internal side of the InfoSec Equitites Issue, so the scope here is a little different.

    The Cyber Czar is literally buried deep down inside DHS with no real authority, a presidential advisor like is in the agenda would report directly to the President. 

  • Initiate a Safe Computing R&D Effort and Harden our Nation’s Cyber Infrastructure:Support an initiative to develop next-generation secure computers and networking for national security applications. Work with industry and academia to develop and deploy a new generation of secure hardware and software for our critical cyber infrastructure. 

  • We have a very good R&D plan in place (.pdf caveat), it just needs to be adopted and better funded.  For those of you who need a project, this is like a wishlist on things that some very smart Government guys are willing to fund.

  • Protect the IT Infrastructure That Keeps America’s Economy Safe: Work with the private sector to establish tough new standards for cyber security and physical resilience.

  • Ouch, I cringe when I read this one.  Not that it’s needed because when it really comes down to it, every CISO in the US is dependent on the software and hardware vendors and their service providers.

    Something the world outside the Beltway doesn’t understand is that “standards” are roughly equal to “regulation”.  It’s much, much better if the Government goes to industry groups and says “hey, we want these things to be part of a standard, can you guys work to put it all together?” There might be some regulation that is needed but it should be kept as small as possible.  Where the Government can help is to sponsor some of the standards and work along with industry to help define standards.

    Maybe the best model for this is the age-old “lead the horse to water, demonstrate to the horse how to drink, hold the horses mouth in the water, and you still can’t get them to drink.”  We’ve tried this model for a couple of years, what is needed now is some kind of incentive for the horse to drink and for vendors to secure their hardware, software, firmware, and service offerings.

  • Prevent Corporate Cyber-Espionage: Work with industry to develop the systems necessary to protect our nation’s trade secrets and our research and development. Innovations in software, engineering, pharmaceuticals and other fields are being stolen online from U.S. businesses at an alarming rate.

  • Maybe this gets down to political beliefs, but I don’t think this is the Government’s responsibility to prevent corporate cyber-espionage, nor should you as a company allow the Government to dictate how you harden your desktops or  where you put your IDS.  If you are not smart enough to be in one of these high-tech industries, you should be smart enough to keep your trade secrets from going offshore, or else you’ll die like some weird brand of corporate darwinism.

    Government can prosecute evildoers and coordinate with other countries for enforcement efforts, which is exactly what you would expect their level of involvement to be.

    Yes, in some cases when it’s cyber-espionage directed at the Government by hacking contractors or suppliers (the military-industrial complex), then Government can do something about it with trickle-down standards in contracts, and they usually do.  Think ITAR export controls scoped to a multi-national corporation and you have a pretty good idea of what the future will hold.

  • Develop a Cyber Crime Strategy to Minimize the Opportunities for Criminal Profit: Shut down the mechanisms used to transmit criminal profits by shutting down untraceable Internet payment schemes. Initiate a grant and training program to provide federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies the tools they need to detect and prosecute cyber crime.

  • This point is interesting to me.  We already have rules to flag large transactions or multiple transactions, that’s how Elliot Spitzer got caught.  Untraceable Internet payment schemes sounds like pulp-fiction stuff and income tax tracking to me, I would like to know if they really exist.

    On the other hand, law enforcement does need training.  There really is a shortage of people with the law enforcement and technical security backgrounds who can do investigations.

  • Mandate Standards for Securing Personal Data and Require Companies to Disclose Personal Information Data Breaches: Partner with industry and our citizens to secure personal data stored on government and private systems. Institute a common standard for securing such data across industries and protect the rights of individuals in the information age.

  • National data breach law == good, because it standardizes all of the state laws that are such a hodge-podge you need a full-time staff dedicated to breaking down incidents by jursidiction.  We have something like this proposed, it’s S.459 which just needs to be resurrected and supported by the Executive Branch as part of their agenda.

    A common standard could be good as long as it’s done right (industry standards v/s Government regulation), see my comments above.


    Note some key points I want you to take away:

    Nothing is new under the sun.  These problems have been around a long time, they won’t go away in the next 4 years.  We have to build on the work of people who have come before us because we know they’ve looked at the problem and came to the same conclusions we will eventually come to.

    Partnership is emphasized.  This is because as much lip-service we give to the Government solving our problems, the American Way (TM) is for the Government not to be your Internet Nanny.  Government can set the environment to support private information security efforts but it really is up to the individual companies to protect themselves.

    Industry needs to solve its own problems.  If you want the Government to solve the nation’s information security problems, it means that we take US-CERT and have them monitor everything whether you want them to or not.  Yes, that’s where things are heading, folks, and maybe I just spilled the beans on some uber-secret plan that I don’t know about yet.  Trust me, you don’t want the transparency that the Government watching your data would provide.

    Be careful what you ask for.  You just might get it.  When it comes to IT security, be extra careful because you’ll end up with regulation which means more auditors.

    Agenda Grafitti photo by anarchosyn.

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    Could the Titanic have changed course?

    Posted January 6th, 2009 by

    Rybolov really struck a note with me (as he usually does) with his blog entry with his decision that S.3474 was a bad thing. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend recently. Basically she ask me why bad thing happen even after smart people put their heads together and try to deal with the problem before facing a crisis. Intrigued with her question, I asked her what specifically she was asking about. She shared that she had been thinking about the tragedy of the Titanic sinking.

    Of course she was referring to the sinking of the passenger ship RMS Titanic on the evening of 14 April 1912. She made two points, first that the experts declared that the ship was “unsinkable” – how could they be so wrong. Second, she wondered how the ship could be so poorly equipped with boats and safety equipment such that there was such great loss of life.

    The Titanic’s Disaster photo by bobster1985.

    Little did she know that I have had an odd fascination with the Titanic disaster since childhood and have basically read much of the common public material about the event. So, I replied that that no expert had ever declared her unsinkable, that it was basically something that was made up by the press and the dark spineless things that hang around the press. However, I added the designers and owners of the ship had made much of her advanced safety features when she was launched. A critical feature was including water-tight bulkheads in her design. This was something of an advanced and novel feature at the time. What it meant was that you could poke a pretty big hole in the ship, and as long as the whole was not spread over several of these water-tight compartments she would stay afloat. The problem was that the iceberg that she hit (the Titanic, not my friend), ignored all of this a tore a big gash along about a third of the length of the ship.

    So, my friend pressed again about the lack of safety equipment, especially lifeboats. I told her that the problem here was that the Titanic indeed did meet all of the safety requirements of the time. And that a big part of the problem was that the safety requirements were drafted in 1894 at a time when there were rapid changes and in the size and design of ships of this kind. Those regulations indicated that all passenger ships over 10,000 tons required 16 life boats, and that’s how many the Titanic had. At the time the regulations were written there were hardly any ships over 10,000 tons in size. However, when Titanic was launched she was designed to be over 50,000 tons when fully loaded. The fact was that if each of these lifeboats was fully loaded they could barely hold half of the of the passengers and crew of the ship if fully loaded. What is worse, when the ship did sink, not all of the boats were usable because of speed and angle in which the ship began sinking.

    So, the bottom-line was that when the Titanic was reviewed by the safety accountants, they took out their check-list and went over the ship with a fine tooth comb. When the day was done the ship fully met all the safety criteria and was certified as safe.

    This is where I see the parallels between root causes of the Titanic disaster and the odd situation we find ourselves in today in terms of IT security. Security by checklist –especially out of date checklists—simply doesn’t work. Moreover, the entire mental framework that mixes up accounting practices and thoughts with security discipline and research is an utter failure. Audits only uncover the most egregious security failures. And, they uncover them at a point in time. The result is that audits can be gamed, and even ignored. On the other hand, formal reviews by experienced security professionals are rarely ignored. Sometimes not all of the resources are available to militate against some of the vulnerabilities pointed out by the professionals. And sometimes there is debate about the validity of specific observations made by security professionals. But, they are rarely ignored.

    Interesting enough, because of the mixed IT security record of many government agencies, Congress is proposing – more audits! It seems to me what they should be considering is strengthening the management of IT security and moving from security audits often performed by unqualified individuals and teams toward security assessments conducted by security professionals. And since professionals are conducting these proposed assessments, they should be required to comment on the seriousness of deficiencies and possible mitigation actions. An additional assessment that the professionals should be required to report on is the adequacy of funding, staffing and higher management support. I don’t really see any point in giving a security program a failing grade if the existing program is well managed but subverted and underfunded by the department’s leadership.

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    Continuous Monitoring with LOLCATS

    Posted December 18th, 2008 by

    What do you get when you have too many observers and not enough doers? You get the current state of oversight in the Government’s IT security implementation.  With the focus supposedly switching from building projects to continuous monitoring, it leaves a question lingering in the back of my mind: are the auditors going to switch to near-real-time observation?

    Hence, the age-old cybersecurity question:

    funny pictures

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