Oh to be a Program Manager

Posted December 11th, 2008 by

Best job in the Government today: all the money and a mission to spend it on.  You know the old saying “Either you’re driving the bus or you’re under it”?  Well, these guys drive.

funny pictures

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Introducing the Government’s Great InfoSec Equities Issue

Posted December 9th, 2008 by

Government and information security–it really means two different things, and I’m going to break it down for you “Big Bird Stylie” as something I call the InfoSec Equities Issue.

If you’re like me, you have to be wondering the same things over and over again:

  • Why is is that DHS has perpetually scored low on their FISMA report card and yet they are supposed to be leading the way for cybersecurity for the nation as a whole? (FYI, they got a B+ for FY 2007)
  • How is it that the Government as a whole can have these gianormous data breaches ala the Veterans Administration and yet still claim to know how to help us secure our systems?
  • Does the FTC really expect me to keep a straight face when I read OnGuardOnline?

Well fear not, dear readers, for this is the secret to understanding these conundrums:  they’re actually different issues with a different funding trail.  This budget difference, although a topic we security people shun whenever we can, is insanely critical.

For securing their own internal systems, the Government faces exactly the same problems that most companies have only amplified because of scale–security is a cost center, and cost centers get reduced wherever possible.  Fudiciary responsibility to the taxpayers requires that the agency CISO’s staff do more with less, and that’s not a happy thought if you end up on the wrong side of the security budget equation.

Minimal Security photo by °Florian.

When it comes to security of external systems (and some national-level internal programs), the Government runs these as a program and offered as a service to the nation.  Some typical programs include the following:

It’s one of Washington’s best-kept secrets: being a program manager in the Government means that you get a mission and a bag of money, and your job is to decide where to spend it all.  This is the sweetest job and the one that you want whether it’s in security or any other discipline that you could image is a Government service–health care, law enforcement, or even the infamous “Gub’mint cheese”.

However, all is not peachy for programs.  They can get cancelled based on political will and trends, so if your program ends up non-favorably in the Washington Post, you might end with your bag of money pilfered for other programs.

Heightened Security photo by robmcm.

This concept of divergent funding is all nice and neat except, dear readers, when the issues are not separate–ie, when an internal IT system protected by the internal budget supports a particular program.  For example, consider the following scenarios:

  • Security of vulnerability data at US-CERT (external) that resides on a Government IT system (internal).
  • A financial system (internal) that tracks distributions to welfare recipients (external).
  • A government website (internal) that supports awareness and training on security issues affecting individual citizens such as identity theft (external).

Now this is the concept behind the way Government is supposed to be running security programs:  the internal funds pay for the centralized security and the funded programs pay for any level of security for IT systems that they sponsor.

But several catches:

  • The system owner has to understand how to budget for or ensure that security for their program is budgetted for.  Somewhere in there is an understanding of security risk.
  • The system owner (who in theory has better funding and therefore better security) is dependent upon the centrally-managed security (which in theory has less funding and therefore worse security).
  • Program-specific security comes out of the program, which means that higher security costs means that the program manager can’t spend money on the services they provide, which is where they really want to be spending it.
  • A ton of negotiation is required to figure out responsibilities between the program manager and the CIO/CISO.
  • If the agency takes too much money out of the program budget for security, we run into the same fudiciary responsibility problems in that we’re not managing our money properly.

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The Press has Me all Confused

Posted December 4th, 2008 by

So, what’s the deal?  Have a look through the following articles:

And wow, you would think that either the anti-FISMA cabal was on strike this month.  Even Alan Paller’s comments are toned down.  What gives?

But then again, maybe it’s just all part of the transition honeymoon–if you say things enough times, then eventually somebody picks up on it and recommends it to a committee and then it’s true.

My Bike the Transition Bottlerocket photo by Tom Grundy Photo.

Now at this point I start to get cynical, and here is why.  Everybody agrees that cybersecurity (been working with the Government for too long, I don’t even cringe at the word) is this phenomenally important thing that we all should do something about.  But since it’s a cost, for the most part it never actually happens.

In other words, it’s exactly the same problem that CISOs in private enterprise, the banking industry, and insurance has been dealing with for a “long” time: everybody wants security, but they don’t want to pay for it.

And the last article I have to give y’all today is this one from CIO.com.  Programs and ideas are great and all, but the CISO inside me knows that things won’t get done until there is a budget behind it.  That’s why the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace hasn’t gone much of anywhere until the standup and subsequent funding of the National Cybersecurity Division and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (yes, you could argue that they need much more funding than they currently have, but you can’t stand up something that big that fast).

Maybe I’ve come back around to the classic argument: talk is cheap, security isn’t.  And when transition fever comes to the Beltway, everybody has something to talk about.  =)

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The Cost of S.3474

Posted October 31st, 2008 by

Something fun and new for you guys:  the estimated cost of S.3474 (.pdf caveat applies) if it were to be signed into law in its current state.  Thank you Congressional Budget Office.

Bottom line: $40M in 2009 and $570M from 2009-2013.

A quick update on S.3473:  it’s not going to get voted on by this Congress–the bill ran out of time and all of the politicians ran into campaign season so it’s hard to pin them down and get anything done.  In fact, none of the handful of security bills are going to get looked at until the next Congress.  So yeah, their fate depends on both the presidential and congressional elections next week, then let’s see if there is enough congressional bandwidth to push these bills through after the new administration transitions in.

Some of my S.3474 coverage if you’re interested.

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When the Feds Come Calling

Posted October 21st, 2008 by

I’ve seen the scenario about a dozen times in the last 2 months–contractors and service providers of all sorts responding to the Government’s security requirements in the middle of a contract.  It’s almost reached the stage where I have it programmed as a “battle drill” ala the infantryman’s Battle Drill 1A, and I’m here to share the secret of negotiating these things.

Let’s see, without naming names, let’s look at where I’ve seen this come up:

  • Non-Government Organizations that assist the Government with para-Government services to the citizens
  • Companies doing research and development funded by the Government–health care and military
  • Universities who do joint research with the Government
  • Anybody who runs something that the Government has designated as “critical infrastructure”
  • State and local governments who use Federal Government data for their social plans (unemployment system, food stamps, and ) and homeland security-esque activities (law enforcement, disaster response)
  • Health Care Providers who service Government insurance plans

For the purposes of this blog post, I’ll refer to all of these groups as contractors or service providers.  Yes, I’m mixing analogies, making huge generalizations, and I’m not precise at all.  However, these groups should all have the same goals and the approach is the same, so bear with me while I lump them all together.

Really, guys, you need to understand both sides of the story because this a cause for negotiations.  I’ll explain why in a minute.

On the Government side:  Well, we have some people we share data with.  It’s not a lot, and it’s sanitized so the value of it is minimal except for the Washington Post Front Page Metric.  Even so, the data is PII that we’ve taken an anonymizer to so that it’s just statistical data that doesn’t directly identify anybody.  We’ve got a pretty good handle on our own IT systems over the past 2 years, so our CISO and IG want us to focus on data that goes outside of our boundaries.  Now I don’t expect/want to “own” the contractor’s IT systems because they provide us a service, not an IT system.  My core problem is that I’m trying to take an existing contract and add security requirements retroactively to it and I’m not sure exactly how to do that.

Our Goals:

  • Accomplishing the goals of the program that we provided data to support
  • Protection of the data outside of our boundaries
  • Proving due-diligence to our 5 layers of oversight that we are doing the best we can to protect the data
  • Translating what we need into something the contractor understands
  • Being able to provide for the security of Government-owned data at little to no additional cost to the program

On the contractor/service provider side:  We took some data from the Government and now they’re coming out of the blue saying that we need to be FISMA-compliant.  Now I don’t want to sound whiney, but this FISMA thing is a huge undertaking and I’ve heard that for a small business such as ourselves, it can cripple us financially.  While I still want to help the Government add security to our project, I need to at least break even on the security support.  Our core problem is to keep security from impacting our project’s profitability.

Our Goals:

  • Accomplishing the goals of the program that we were provided data to support
  • Protection of the data given to us to keep the Government happy and continuing to fund us (the spice must flow!)
  • Giving something to the Government so that they can demonstrate due-diligence to their auditors and IG
  • Translating what we do into something the Government understands
  • Keeping the cost of security to an absolute minimum or at least funded for what we do add because it wasn’t scoped into the SOW

Hmm, looks like these goals are very much in alignment with each other.  About the only thing we need to figure out is scope and cost, which sounds very much like a negotiation.

Hardcore Negotiation Skills photo by shinosan.

Little-known facts that might help in our scenario here:

  • Section 2.4 of SP 800-53 discusses the use of compensating controls for contractor and service-provider systems.
  • One of the concepts in security and the Government is that agencies are to provide “adequate security” for their information and information systems.  Have a look at FISMA and OMB Circular A-130.
  • Repeat after me:  “The endstate is to provide a level of protection for the data equivalent or superior to what the Government would provide for that data.”
  • Appendix G in SP 800-53 has a traceability matrix through different standards that can serve as a “Rosetta Stone” for understanding each other.  Note to NIST:  let’s throw in PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley,  and change ISO 17799 to 27001.

So what’s a security geek to do?  Well, this, dear readers, is Rybolov’s 5-fold path to Government/contractor nirvana:

  1. Contractor and Government have a kickoff session to meet each other and build raport, starting from a common ground such as how you both have similar goals.  The problem really is one of managing each others’ expectations.
  2. Both Government and Contractor perform internal risk assessment to determine what kind of outcome they want to negotiate.
  3. Contractor and Government meet a week later to negotiate on security.
  4. Contractor provides documentation on what security controls they have in place.  This might be as minimal as a contract with the guard force company at their major sites, or it might be just employee background checks and
  5. Contractor and Government negotiate for a 6-month plan-of-action.  For most organizations considering ISO 27001, this is a good time to make a promise to get it done.  For smaller organizations or data , we may not even

Assumptions and dependencies:

  • The data we’re talking about is low-criticality or even moderate-criticality.
  • This isn’t an outsourced IT system that could be considered government-owned, contractor-operated (GO-CO)

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Comments on SCAP 2008

Posted September 24th, 2008 by

I just got back from the SCAP 2008 conference at NIST HQ, and this is a collection of my thoughts in a somewhat random order:

Presention slides are available at the NVD website

I blogged about SCAP a year ago, and started pushing it in conversations with security managers that I came across.  Really, if you’re managing security of anything and you don’t know what SCAP is, you need to get smart on it really fast, if for no other reason than that you will be pitched it by vendors sporting new certifications.

Introduction to SCAP:  SCAP is a collection of XML schemas/standards that allow technical security information to be exchanged between tools.  It consists of the following standards:

  • Common Platform Enumeration (CPE): A standard to describe a specific hardware, OS, and software configuration.  Asset information, it’s fairly humdrum, but it makes the rest of SCAP possible–think target enumeration and you’re pretty close.
  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE): A definition of publicly-known vulnerabilities and weaknesses.  Should be familiar to most security researches and patch monkies.
  • Common Configuration Enumeration (CCE): Basically, like CVE but specific to misconfigurations.
  • Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS): A standard for determining the characteristics and impact of security vulnerabilities.  Hmmm, sounds suspiciously like standardization of what is a high, medium, and low criticality vulnerability.
  • Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL):  Actually, 3 schemas to describe the inventory of a computer, the configuration on that computer, and a report of what vulnerabilites were found on that computer.
  • Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format (XCCDF): A data set that describes checks for vulnerabilities, benchmarks, or misconfigurations.  Sounds like the updates to your favorite vulnerability scanning tool because it is.

Hall of Standards inside NIST HQ photo by ME!!!

What’s the big deal with SCAP: SCAP allows data exchanges between tools.  So, for example, you can take a technical policy compliance tool, load up the official Government hardening policy in XCCDF for, say, Windows 2003, run a compliance scan, export the data in OVAL, and load the results into a final application that can help your CISO keep track of all the vulnerabilities.  Basically, imagine that you’re DoD and have 1.5 million desktops–how do you manage all of the technical information on those without having tools that can import and export from each other?

And then there was the Federal Desktop Core Configuration (FDCC): OMB and Karen Evans handed SCAP its first trial-by-fire.  FDCC is a configuration standard that is to be rolled out to every Government desktop.  According to responses received by OMB from the departments in the executive branch (see, Karen, I WAS paying attention =)   ), there are roughly 3.5 Million desktops inside the Government.  The only way to manage these desktops is through automation, and SCAP is providing that.

He sings, he dances, that Tony Sager is a great guy: So he’s presented at Black Hat, now SCAP 2008 (.pdf caveat).  Basically, while the NSA has a great red-team (think pen-test) capability, they had a major change of heart and realized, like the rest of the security world (*cough*Ranum*cough*), that while attacking is fun, it isn’t very productive at defending your systems–there is much more work to be done for the defenders, and we need more clueful people doing that.

Vendors are jumping on the bandwagon with both feet: The amount of uptake from the vulnerability and policy compliance vendors is amazing.  I would give numbers of how many are certified, but I literally get a new announcement in my news reader ever week or so.  For vendors, being certified means that you can sell your product to the Government, not being certified means that you get to sit on the bench watching everybody else have all the fun.  The GSA SAIR Smart-Buy Blanket Purchase Agreement sweetens the deal immensely by having your product easily purchasable in massive quantities by the Government.

Where are the rest of the standards: Yes, FDCC is great, but where are the rest of the hardening standards in cute importable XML files, ready to be snarfed into my SCAP-compliant tool?  Truth be told, this is one problem with SCAP right now because everybody has been focusing on FDCC and hasn’t had time yet to look at the other platforms.  Key word is “yet” because it’s happening real soon now, and it’s fairly trivial to convert the already-existing DISA STIGs or CIS Benchmarks into XCCDF.  In fact, Sun was blindsided by somebody who had made some SCAP schemas for their products and they had no idea that anybody was working on it–new content gets added practically daily because of the open-source nature of SCAP.

Changing Government role: This is going to be controversial.  With NVD/CVE, the government became the authoritative source for vulnerabilities.  So far that’s worked pretty well.  With the rest of SCAP, the Government changes roles to be a provider of content and configurations.  If NIST is smart, they’ll stay out of this because they prefer to be in the R&D business and not the operations side of things.  Look for DHS to pick up the role of being a definitions provider.  Government has to be careful here because they could in some instances be competing with companies that sell SCAP-like feed services.  Not a happy spot for either side of the fence.

More information security trickle-down effect: A repeated theme at SCAP 2008 is that the public sector is interested in what Big SCAP can do for them.  The vendors are using SCAP certification as a differentiator for the time being, but expect to see SCAP for security management standards like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and SOX–to be honest here, though, most of the vendors in this space cut their teeth on these standards, it’s just a matter of legwork to be able to export in SCAP schemas.  Woot, we all win thanks to the magic that is the Government flexing its IT budget dollars!

OS and Applications vendors: these guys are feeling the squeeze of standardization.  On one hand, the smart vendors (Oracle, Microsoft, Sun, Cisco) have people already working with DISA/NSA to help produce the configuration guides, they just have to sit back and let somebody turn the guides into SCAP content.  Some of the applications vendors still haven’t figured out that their software is about to be made obsolete in the Government market because they don’t have the knowledge base to self-certify with FDCC and later OS standards.  With a 3-year lead time required for some of the desktop applications before a feature request (make my junk work with FDCC) makes it into a product release, there had better be some cluebat work going on in the application vendor community.  Adobe, I’m talking to you and Lifecycle ES–if you need help, just call me.

But how about system integrators: Well, for the time being, system integrators have almost a free ride–they just have to deal with FDCC.  There are some of them that have some cool solutions built on the capabilities of SCAP, but for the most part I haven’t seen much movement except for people who do some R&D.  Unfortunately for system integrators, the Federal Acquisition Regulation now requires that anything you sell to the Government be configured IAW the NIST checklists program.  And just how do you think the NIST checklists program will be implemented?  I’ll take SCAP for $5Bazillion, Alex.  Smart sytem integrators will at least keep an eye on SCAP before it blindsides them 6 months from now.

Technical compliance tools are destined to be a commodity: For the longest time, the vulnerability assessment vendors made their reputation by having the best vulnerability signatures.  In order to get true compatibility across products, standardized SCAP feeds means that the pure-play security tools are going to have less things to differentiate themselves from all the other tools and they fall into a commodity market centered on the accuracy of their checks with reduced false positives and negatives.  While it may seem like a joyride for the time being (hey, we just got our ticket to sell to the Gubmint by being SCAP-certified), that will soon turn into frustration as the business model changes and the margins get smaller.  Smart vendors will figure out ways to differentiate themselves and will survive, the others will not.

Which leads me to this: Why is it that SCAP only applies to security tools?  I mean, seriously, guys like BigFix and NetIQ have crossover from technical policy compliance to network management systems–CPE in particular.  What we need is a similar effort applied to network and data center tools.  And don’t point me at SNMP, I’m talking rich data.  =)  On a positive note, expect some of the security pure-play tools to be bought up and incorporated into enterprise suites if they aren’t already.

Side notes:

I love how the many deer (well over 9000 deer on the NIST campus) all have ear tags.  It brings up all sorts of scientific studies ideas.  But apparently the deer are on birth control shots or something….

Former Potomac Forum students:  Whattayaknow, I met some of our former students who are probably reading this right now because I pimped out my blog probably too aggressively.  =)  Hi Shawn, Marc, and Bob!

Old friends:  Wow, I found some of them, too.  Hi Jess, Walid, Chris, and a cast of thousands.

Deer on NIST Gaithersburg Campus photo by Chucka_NC.

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