On Why I Blog… FUD is the Reason for the Writin’

Posted August 19th, 2008 by

This article at SC Magazine is exactly why.  Kudos to Dan Philpott for calling the author on his errors.

Things that go through my mind about articles like this:

  • Is it that slow of a news day?  FISMA stuff is always good for a couple yucks when there’s nothing else to talk about.  Looks like somebody needed filler while everybody was flying to Black Hat and DefCon.
  • Once again, we’re confusing FISMA the law with the implementation thereof.  Yawn.
  • Ack, somebody who likes FDCC.  Actually, I like it too in theory, I just don’t like the implementation.
  • “Government has influence when it comes to awareness and will have opportunities to use it.”  Um, yes, it’s the $75B IT budget, flex that muscle wherever you want to get the secure products you want.  Do not underestimate the power of the budget.
  • Follow the FISMA Naysayer and spot somebody who’s looking for money.  In this case, it’s Fortify.

Funny thing is that I think I met the guy from Fortify a couple of months ago at a NoVa OWASP meeting for a showing of their fun-but-FUDtastic movie about application security.  You know, you’ve seen the trailer, it looked like this:

There is a way to influence thinking in this town, and writing trash articles like this is not the way to do it.  If Fortify really wants to change the world, I have some ideas on how to do it, but nobody ever asks.  =)

FUD Truck Makes a Delivery

FUD Truck Makes a Delivery photo by crmudgen23.

Guerilla CISO story time:

About 9 months ago, I got a marketing packet from Borderware.  It said that “FooCorp is identified as sending spam” and offered me the opportunity to join their reputation service.

Looking at the materials they sent me, I deduced that none of the source IPs they listed was in our netblock and that what they were referring to was spam using @foocorp.com email addresses as the “from” address.  Um, not a whole lot you can do to stop that, although it does make for some fun abuse@ emails from users who don’t understand how spam works:  “Quit sending me this stuff, I’ll burn down your data center myself!!!111oneoneone”

Anyway, since the whole packet was pure FUD and not really relevant to anything I wanted to do, I sat down and sent an email to their Director of Marketing and CTO:

I know Borderware’s products, we use them in some of our solutions, and you have a good reputation.  Please don’t resort to such a lowbrow marketing scheme because it sullies your brand.

I think Fortify is in the same boat.  They have a good reputation–I have a friend who works for one of their biggest customers, and if he’s cool with it, I am.

But the question for all security companies remains:  how do I sell my product without resorting to spreading FUD everywhere I go?

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New SP 800-60 is Out, Categorize Yerselves Mo Better

Posted August 18th, 2008 by

While I was slaving away last week, our friends over at NIST published a new version of SP 800-60.  Go check it out at the NIST Pubs Page.

Now for those of you who don’t know what 800-60 is, go check out my 3-part special on the Business Reference Model (BRM), a primer on how SP 800-60 aligning FIPS-199 with the BRM, and a post on putting it all together with a catalog of controls.

And oh yeah, the obligatory press reference: Government Computer News.

Data Release Show

Data Release Show photo by Discos Konfort.

So deep down inside, you have to be asking one question by now:  “Why do we need SP 800-60?”  Well, 800-60 does the following:

  • Level-sets data criticality across the Government:  Provides a frame of reference for determining criticality–ie, if my data is more important than this but less than this, then it’s a moderate for criticality.
  • Counters the tendency to rate system criticality higher than it should be:  Everybody wants to rate their system as high criticality because it’s the safe choice for their career.
  • Protection prioritization:  Helps us point out at a national level the systems that need more protection.
  • Is regulations-based:  The criticality ratings reflect laws and standards.  For example, Privacy Act Data is rated higher for confidentiality.

All things considered, it’s a pretty decent systemfor Government use.

Now this is where I have a bit of heartburn with GRC tools and data classification in general in the private sector–they classify the wrong things.  How the vendors (not all of them, there is a ton of variation in implementation) want you to categorize your data:

  • HIPAA-regulated
  • PCI-DSS-regulated
  • SOX-regulated
  • All other data types

How your CISO needs to categorize data to keep the business afloat:

  • Data that gets you paid:  If you’re a business, your #1 priority is getting money.  This is your billing/AR/POS data that needs to keep going.
  • Data that keeps you with a product to sale over the next week:  usually ERP data, stuff that slows down the production line.
  • Data that people want to rip off your customers:  hey, almost all the regulated data (PCI-DSS, HIPAA, etc) fits in here.
  • Data where people will rip you off:  ie, your internal financial systems.  Typically this is SOX country.

I guess really it comes down to the differences between compliance and risk, but in this case, one version will keep you from getting fined, the other will keep your business running.

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A Step Inside the Guerilla CISO’s Mind

Posted July 31st, 2008 by

I toyed for several years about making an infosec hall of shame.  Like seriously, I already had some candidates, you know who most of them are, it’s the same as the Washington Post Front-Page Metric.

Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame

Hall of Fame, Hall of Shame photo by leafar.

And my friends and I had some other nummy tidbits from our travels out and about, doing this stuff in the place where theory meets the realities of implementation.

Now if you look around on The Guerilla CISO, you’ll find that I don’t have a Hall of Shame.  I eventually decided not to have one after much deliberation, and the reason is this:  If you have key decision-makers that are removed or abstracted from the impacts of the decisions that they make, it is not fair to publicly humiliate the people who have to live with the implementation of the decisions.

And for better or worse, that’s the way the Government’s security model (and many other things) works.

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Legacy Systems: Where the Catalog Falls Apart and LOLCATS Roam

Posted July 31st, 2008 by

Let’s face it, compliance in IT security is a myth.  Compliance in IT security with legacy systems is like a chupacabbra riding a white unicorn chasing a leprechaun while waving Excalibur.  And the auditors just shake their head and wonder why you can’t just comply.

Anyway, on to the LOLCATZ (note that I’m getting all creative-stylie with haikus this week, must be something in the beer last night):


funny pictures

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Posted in IKANHAZFIZMA | 2 Comments »

No, FISMA Doesn’t Require That, Silly Product Pushers

Posted July 31st, 2008 by

Post #9678291 on why people don’t understand what FISMA really isSecure64 DNSSEC Press Releases.

“FISMA Act encourages U.S. government agencies to configure their DNS servers to the DNSSEC security specifications set by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and it has been reported that the federal governments Office of Management and Budget (OMB) plans to begin enforcing DNSSEC requirements through an auditing process, setting the standard for DNS best practices.”

Yep, if you stamp FISMA on it, people will buy it, maybe in your PR department’s wettest and wildest dreams.  Guys, it’s been 6 years, that kind of marketing doesn’t work nowadays, mostly because we spent ourselves into oblivion buying junkware similar to yours and now we’re all jaded.

Now don’t get me wrong, DNSSEC is a good thing, especially this month.  But there is something I need to address:  FISMA requires good security management with a dozen or so key indicators, not a solution down to the technical level.  Allusions to OMB are just FUD, FUD, and more FUD because unless it’s in a memo to agency heads, it’s all posturing–something everybody in this town knows how to do very well.  OMB would rather stay out of mandating DNSSEC and maybe give a “due date” once NIST has a final standard.

My one word of wisdom for today:  anybody who tries to sell a product and uses FISMA as the “compelling event” has no clue what they’re talking about.

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C&A Seminar in August, Instructor-to-Coolness Ratio Goes Up!

Posted July 28th, 2008 by

Potomac Forum is having a 2-day C&A seminar on August 6th and 7th.  It will be unusually good this time because I won’t be there to drag everybody down–I’ll be on the road for some training.  =)  Anyway, check it out and say hi to my instructors from me.

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