LOLCATS Take on Catalog of Controls

Posted July 24th, 2008 by

Guys, please remember that the controls from SP 800-53 and the test cases from SP 800-53A need to be tailored.  Otherwise, they’re as useful as a watermelon in a lake is to a kitteh.

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On Government Employees, Culture, and Survivability

Posted July 21st, 2008 by

A couple of months before I was activated and went to Afghanistan, I got a briefing from a Special Forces NCO who had done multiple tours in the desert.  One thing he said still sticks in my mind (obviously paraphrased):

“The Afghanis, they live in mud huts, they don’t have electricity, they are stick-people weighing 85 lbs, and to say that we could bomb them into the stone age would be an advancement in their technology level.  But never underestimate these people, they’re survivors.  They’ve survived 35 years of warfare, starting with the Soviets, then they fought a civil war before we arrived on the scene.  Never underestimate their ability to survive, and have respect for them because of who they are.”

Today, I feel the same way about government employees, even more so because it’s an election year:  they’re survivors.

Now time for what I see is the “real” reason why the government is doing badly (if that’s what you believe–opinions differ) at security: it’s all an issue of culture. I have a friend who converted a year ago to a GS-scale employee and took a class on what motivates government employees. Some of these are obvious:

  • Pride at making a difference
  • Helping people
  • Supporting a cause
  • Gaining unique experience on a global-class scope
  • Job stability
  • Retirement benefits

And one thing is noticeably absent: better pay and personal recognition.  Hey, sounds like me in the army.

The Companion Family Plan to Survival at Home

The Companion Family Plan for Survival at Home photo by Uh … Bob.

Now I’m not trying to stereotype, but you need to know the organizational behavior pieces to understand how government security works. And in this case, the typical government employee is about as survival-aware as their Afghani counterpart.

Best advice I ever heard from a public policy wonk: the key to survival in this town is to influence everything you can get your hands on and never have your name actually written on anything.

In other words, don’t criticize, be nice to everybody even though you think they are a jerk, and avoid saying anything at all because you never know when it will be contrary to the political scene.  The Government culture is a silent culture. That’s why every day amazing things happen to promote security in the Government and you’ll never hear about it on the outside.

One of the reasons that I started blogging was to counter the naysayers who say that FISMA is failing and that the Government would succeed if they would just buy their product for technical policy compliance or end-to-end encryption.  Sadly, the true heroes in Government, the people who just do their job every day and try to survive a hostile political environment, are giving credit to the critics because of their silence.

Which brings me to my point:

Yes, my name is Rybolov and I’m a heretic, but this is the secret to security in the Government:  it’s cultural at all layers of the personnel stack.  Security (and innovation, now that I think about it) needs a culture of openness where it’s allowable to make mistakes and/or criticize.  Doesn’t sound like any government–local, state, or federal–that I’ve ever seen.  However, if you fix the culture, you fix the security.

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Exhaustive Security Testing is Bad For You

Posted July 17th, 2008 by

Hot on the heels of Security Assessments as Fraud, Waste, and Abuse comes this heartwarming lolcat.

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Security Assessments as Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Posted July 17th, 2008 by

I’m going to put on my Government Security Heretic Hat for awhile here, bear me out.  By my estimate, half of the security assessments received by the Government have some kind of fraud, waste, and abuse.

What makes me say this is the amount of redundancy in some testing that I’ve seen without any value added.

The way to avoid this redundancy is the concept of common/shared controls.  The whole idea is that you take whatever security controls you have across the board and put them into one bucket.  You test that bucket once and then whenever something  shares controls with that bucket, you look at the shared control bucket and make sure that the assessment is still relevant and accurate.

So, what makes a security assessment not fraud, waste, and abuse?  It’s a good assessment if it does the following:

  • Does not repeat a previous assessment.
  • Discovers previously-undiscovered vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or findings.
  • Has findings that get fed into a risk management plan (accepted, avoided, transferred, etc–think POA&M).
  • Is not exhaustive when it doesn’t need to be.
  • Provides value to the project team, system owner, and Authorizing Official to make key decisions.

Now the problem is that the typical auditor has a hard time stopping–they have an ethical obligation to investigate anything that their “professional skepticism” tells them is out of place, just like cops have an ethical obligation to investigate anything that they think is a crime.

The Solution?  Don’t use auditors! The public accounting model that we adopted for information security does not scale the way that we need it to for ST&E, and we need to understand this in order to fix security in the Government.

What we need to be doing is Security Test and Evaluation which is focused on risk, not on compliance using a checklist of control objectives.  Usually if you know enough to say “Wow, your patch management process is whacked, you’re at a high risk!” then that’s enough to stop testing patch management controls.  This is one of the beefs I have with 800-53A in the hands of less-than-clueful people:  they will test until exhaustion.

There isn’t a whole lot of difference between ST&E and an audit, just the purpose.  Audits are by nature confrontational because you’re trying to prove that fraud, waste, and abuse hasn’t occured.  ST&E is helping the project team find things that they haven’t thought of before and eventually get the large problems funded and fixed.

The Little Frauds Songbook

The Little Frauds Harrigan & Hart’s Songs & Sketches Photo by Boston Public Library

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Learning GovieSpeak: The Plum Book

Posted July 17th, 2008 by

You were thinking this was part of the rainbow series, along with the orange book, the red book, and the fuchsia book, weren’t you?

Well, no, security dweebs, we’re on a public policy kick, probably will be until the end of the year (more on that to follow, stay tuned), so you wouldn’t be so lucky.

The Plum Book’s official title is Government Policy and Supporting Positions and basically it’s a huge staffing chart for the Senior Executive Service–the political appointees.  Congress publishes the Plum Book after each presidential election, so for those of us who remember our civics lessons in high school, that would be every 4 years, and the last one was published in 2004.

In fact, you can see the last edition here.  Caveat:  it’s dry, like the uber-trocken Franken white wine that grows in the fields around where I used to live in Germany–so dry that it sucks the moisture right out of you.

Plum Pickin

Plum Pickin photo by Secret Tenerife

Now why do we care about the Plum Book?  Well, that’s a good question.  Have a look at some of the staffing plans in the plum book, and you’ll see something missing:  Agency CISOs.

Now, I’m not a rocket scientist on org charts, but it seems to me that unless you put CISOs up to where they’re answerable to the agency head, they’re just a cost center inside the IT department with no visibility to the decision-makers.  Once again, we’ve crippled our security staffs like the old-school way of doing things.

On another note, taking a quick straw poll of the agency CISOs that I know, I think about half of them are political appointees, and half of them are GS-15s.  So what’s the difference?

Well, political appointees (SES) are appointed by the President.  They make a better target because they have much more visibility from the higher-ups they are more political in nature.

GS-scale employees are civil service careerists.  Usually these are the guys who have moved up the ranks in the various agencies and know quite a bit of things.

Which is better?  Well, if you want survivability, then GS-scale is the way to go.  If you want to make the most difference, SES is the ticket.

Most of us will never get the choice. =)

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More Security Controls You Won’t See in 800-53: Now in LOLCAT Form!

Posted July 10th, 2008 by

With as much overengineering that people do for low-criticality systems, I’m surprised nobody’s mentioned this idea yet for high-criticality data:  snipers on the roof.  Now that “the cat’s out of the bag”, I figure this will be in the next 800-53 revision.


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